Congratulations graduating GES Master's students! Here's to celebrating the completion of your theses and building on your recent work through future plans!
Chris Blume:
- Thesis: "Chiroptera as Biomonitors of Heavy Metal Distribution in Baltimore City"
- Future Plans: Starting PhD at Virginia Tech investigating the impact of disease and anthropogenic factors on the endangered Northern Long eared bat species
Natalia Figueredo
- Thesis: "Baltimore City's participation in the Zero Waste Movement: Who Knows What About It and Who Has Access to It?"
- Future Plans: Community outreach and engagement with the International Programs Office of the U.S. Forest Service
Emma Gilligan
- Thesis: "Informing Policy: Baltimore City, MD Community Perspectives on Using Tree Shade to Reduce Neighborhood Heat"
- Future Plans: Working full time on hazardous waste management as a physical scientist and Presidential Management Fellow with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Land and Emergency Management
Gabi Icaza
- Thesis: "Interactive Effects of Consumer Exclusion and Leaf Litter Composition on Patterns of Litter Decomposition in a Stream Ecosystem
- Future Plans: Full time work with Department of Defense as a biologist for the Army Corps of Engineers
We applaud the hard work you've invested in these exciting achievements and can't wait to hear more about what you do next!