SEA’s Green Fest lives on
Originally published in the Retriever Weekly
Spring has finally arrived and green is in. UMBC students have finally been able to celebrate a warm, green spring on campus after a frigid winter season. Last Wednesday, on April 19, more than 20 student organizations came together on the Quad to celebrate Green Fest.
Although April 19 was not as particularly sunny or warm as the surrounding days, hundreds of students filed through the Quad to interact with the environmentally-savvy student organizations. A wide range of clubs showed up to participate in the event, from the Photography Club, to the Environmental Task Force, to the performers of UMBeats, to fraternities such as Pi Kappa Phi and Alpha Phi Omega. Even the representatives of the UMBC Bookstore came to celebrate. Green Fest went from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., which gave plenty of time for the hundreds students to come through and check out the many tables. The many foods, games and giveaways kept the event lively, especially during free hour. The latter portion of the event even featured live music from UMBC artists.
Those who enjoyed the event have the leaders of the Students for Environmental Awareness to thank for organizing the event such as Sarah Douglas, a junior chemical engineering major who serves as vice president of the organization. For those who are not aware of SEA, Douglas explains that SEA “serves to promote sustainable actions through an inclusive and safe environment,” she said. “We do a variety of different environmental work, including attending marches and protests, tree planting, stream clean ups and of course hosting Green Fest and EcoFest. We also just create a safe place for people to talk about environmental issues and get to meet like-minded people, so we also like to take trips to the zoo or the aquarium to get to know each other better.”