This has been a busy year for the STARS Program and with back-to-school efforts in full-force, I wanted to take a moment to share some updates from the STARS Team. This summer, AASHE welcomed two new staff to support the STARS Program. Chris Pelton, STARS Program Assistant, will coordinate details for Technical Advisor Work Group meetings, manage improvements to the STARS Reporting Tool, and support research efforts for STARS credit improvements. Monika Urbanski, STARS Program Analyst, will be researching specific ways to improve the STARS credits and analyzing the data that has been submitted thus far. Monika will also play an important role in developing the STARS Annual Review.
The timing of our new staff joining couldn’t be better since AASHE now has over 125 STARS Reports submitted. This represents a lot of valuable information about campus sustainability happenings. Monika will be digging through this data and identifying trends, best practices, and areas for improvement that Chris and the STARS Technical Advisors will work to address. Stay tuned for future blog posts on some of these findings and areas for improvement.
We’re all looking forward to the AASHE 2011 Conference this October in Pittsburgh, PA. AASHE will be hosting two STARS Workshops and there is still spots left so register today! The STARS Introductory Workshop will be geared towards those that are new to STARS, and the STARS Advanced Workshop is for those that have been using the system. In addition, there will be several sessions addressing STARS throughout the conference including a STARS 101 session and a Town Hall meeting that will be very participatory and aims to collect feedback on the program. Stay tuned to the conference website for more information regarding conference details and don’t forget to visit the STARS Team at the AASHE networking area in the exhibit hall if you are attending the conference.
- Meghan Fay Zahniser, STARS Program Manager