Hi Gardeners!
Long time no see! We just completed elections for the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year and are very happy to welcome our new members! You can see the new board listed on our home page on the right side.
A small recap of our year: we had several successful clean-up days to maintain the plots that we weren't able to get to during lockdowns, we worked to transplant milkweed seeds to the garden in order to attract pollinators, we did a plant swap at our GMB, we worked with UMBC's sustainability team and did a mushroom log inoculation workshop, and finally, we had a ton of new members join!
For our current plot renters, please make sure you are maintaining your plot(s). You are responsible for it throughout the summer and into the fall. If you have any questions regarding the plots or anything else, don't hesitate to reach out to us through our Discord, Instagram, or via email.
We wish everyone good luck on their finals and hope you have a great summer! (PS: Be on the lookout for some upcoming events in the summer and fall.)
Happy growing! :)