Hi Sprouts!
Just a reminder, Burgers and Chip(s) will be happening THIS WEDNESDAY at The
Garden, from 11:30 - 1PM! We hope to see you there!
It's that time of the year again! If you are interested in being a part of the
e-board next year, please fill out our interest form! Our available positions are Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary, and Social Media Chair. This is the interest form to fill out:
Fill this out by Wednesday, April 26th if you would like to run. We will
be sending out a voting form the next morning so make sure you fill out the
interest form or else you will not be able to run.
Also, a couple of other things to keep in mind if you are interested in
1. You must be an enrolled undergraduate student at UMBC. Graduate students and
faculty cannot hold any of our E-Board positions.
2. You must have previously been a member of this club for at least one
semester at UMBC.
3. You must be able to commit to at least one full year on the E-Board. The term
starts May 1st, 2023 and ends May 1st, 2024.
4. If you are interested in running for more than one position, please complete
separate forms for each position you are interested in.
5. The duties of each position are explained in the form.
Let us know if you have any questions,