Work-Life Wellbeing - Discovering Your Work-Life Balance
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 · 9 AM - 12 PM
We know that the buzz word today on everyone’s minds is work-life balance and there are fewer phrases that are more nebulous. We all have different definitions, experiences, and expectations. Let’s move from the abstract to actively creating our own individualized plan.
In this experiential 3-hour session, we will learn the various components of work-life balance and determine our own individual needs; explore the stories we tell about work-life balance and how those stories impact our experience; determine our own sphere of influence and learn strategies to self-advocate; learn techniques to better prioritize goals and manage time; and develop a personalized work-life balance action plan to aid in work-life integration.
In preparation for our session, we invite you to complete a time audit to help you get a grounded sense of how you’re currently using your time. This handout can be downloaded below.
Please register by selecting “going” below. If you register for this event and your plans change, please change your status to “not going”, or email, to free up your seat for someone else.
This event is the second in a series of Work-Life Wellbeing sessions. Look for more sessions to come each month for Spring 2023. This event is intended for everyone in the UMBC community. Supervisors should consider attending this session in advance of the special supervisor-only session, "Encouraging a Culture of Work-Life Balance", to be held at a later date.