Skills 4 Success Workshops - Test Anxiety
Learn how test anxiety interferes with academic performance.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 · 12 - 12:50 PM
At UMBC, students tend to report that difficulties with stress, time management, motivation, and anxiety often interfere with personal, social, and academic goals. The Counseling Center has created a unique series of interactive and FREE workshops to help support students with these particular concerns.
These Skills 4 Success Workshops are held weekly on Wednesdays during free hour, starting October 24th. Topics and dates for this semester are as follows:
These Skills 4 Success Workshops are held weekly on Wednesdays during free hour, starting October 24th. Topics and dates for this semester are as follows:
- Procrastination - October 24
- Stress Management - October 31
- Time Management - November 7
- Test Anxiety - November 14
- Motivation/Goal-Setting - November 28
- Sleep/Get through Finals - December 5
Do not miss this opportunity to interact with other students struggling with similar concerns. For more information, contact the Counseling Center at 410-455-2472.