Fill out our Google Sheet!
Hello Catholic Retrievers, As Lent continues, we are quickly approaching Holy Week and Easter Sunday! We are not able to host an Easter Sunday Mass at UMBC this year, but Our Lady of...
March 22, 2022
3:21 PM
Welcome back, Catholic Retrievers!
Hello, Catholic Retrievers! We can't wait to see you again on campus so soon! I just wanted to give you an update on our Mass schedule for the spring semester. Good news - barring any unforeseen...
January 27, 2022
4:42 PM
Please see attached document for a word from our chaplain, Fr. Bill Keown, on a COVID exposure at UMBC.
December 20, 2021
3:39 PM
Come to Mass on 12/8!
Hello Catholic Retrievers, Just a reminder that this Wednesday, December 8th, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. This means that the Church asks...
December 6, 2021
11:29 AM
Hi everyone! We'll be resuming our on-campus holy hour and Mass every Sunday, starting September 5th! The location is ITE 102, with holy hour and confession starting at 4 and Mass starting at...
August 25, 2021
3:57 PM
If you're a freshman living on campus and don't have a way to get to Sunday Mass on August 29th before the semester starts, please feel free to email or to...
August 17, 2021
2:08 PM
We hope everyone is having a good semester! Since we are almost at the end of the year, we will be holding elections for next year's officers. If you have ideas for the club and think you are a...
April 19, 2021
12:34 PM
Install Webex Teams with this link! Join our space with this link!
September 17, 2020
8:02 PM
Hello Catholic Retrievers, Unfortunately, the Mary Kurek is not feeling well today, so the music ministry training tonight is cancelled and will be rescheduled for 10/6. Sorry for any...
September 22, 2019
3:58 PM
Cookout Location Change, Hike sign up posted
Hello Catholic Retrievers! This is an announcement that our Cookout Event (Sept. 13th) has moved from Harbor Courtyard to the Chesapeake Volleyball Court. Come out for some fresh grilled...
September 8, 2019
5:33 PM