Ganesh Mysore
Plans: Working in biotech while applying to graduate schools
B.S., Chemical Engineering; B.A., Political Science
Cum Laude
Hometown: Clarksville, Maryland
The opportunities I had, and the guidance I received, at UMBC have shaped me into an engaged citizen, and not just a capable engineer.
Ganesh Mysore isn’t earning a degree this spring; he’s actually earning two degrees in very different fields and he’s passionate about them both. Through advanced coursework in both chemical engineering and political science, Mysore has developed a unique skill set and approach to solving challenging problems, he says.
Mysore is a member of the Honors College and Pi Sigma Alpha, the national honor society for political science, and recipient of the Premier Award Scholarship. Beyond his achievements in the classroom, he has also been a highly engaged campus leader, serving as president of UMBC’s Student Government Association as a junior and as a member the working group for BreakingGround, UMBC’s nationally recognized civic engagement initiative.
Mysore credits UMBC mentors with helping him understand the importance of creating positive change through taking action in his community, whether that is a community of students or, in the future, engineering professionals.
Portrait by Marlayna Demond ‘11 for UMBC.