Constantine Vaporis, professor of history and director of the Asian studies program, has been selected for the ASIANetwork Speakers Bureau. The program is a new distinguished speaker series hosted by the ASIANetwork, a consortium of 160 liberal arts colleges and universities that aims to “strengthen the role of Asian Studies within the framework of liberal arts education to help prepare succeeding generations of undergraduates for a world in which Asian societies play prominent roles in an ever more interdependent world,” according to the organization’s website.
Vaporis was nominated and selected for the prestigious program from among faculty in all disciplines. The ASIANetwork Speakers Bureau is a new initiative designed to draw on Asian studies expertise within the consortium. As part of the program, speakers are invited by member schools to visit their campuses as an Asian studies guest speaker. Vaporis’ selection for the program reflects his high standing in the profession by his ASIANetwork colleauges.
Vaporis teaches Japanese and East Asian History and is an expert in Early Modern Japan, East Asia, and Asian studies. Read more about his work on the history department website. Read more about the ASIANetwork.
Image: Constantine Vaporis. Photo by Marlayna Demond ’11 for UMBC.