SPIRE-EIT (Summer Program for Interdisciplinary Research and Education - Emerging Interface Technology)
Deadline: FEBRUARY 15, 2012
Description: NSF supported Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). 10-week multidisciplinary program where participants work in teams on projects ranging from virtual and augmented reality to robotics to biology simulations to mobile app development. This program is especially good for freshmen and students new to research because it's very structured and includes a lot of skill development, but the difficulty of the projects scale well for upperclassmen interested as well.
Required Major: NONE! This is a multidisciplinary program designed to encourage collaboration and discovery. Students from all majors are given equal consideration, although keep in mind that this is a computing research environment, so competitive applicants typically have some type of programming experience (or have a willingness to learn).
Compensation: Includes travel, housing, meals, and $5000 stipend.
Location: Iowa State University, Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC). Hosted by the Human Computer Interaction Graduate Program.
Website with program details, application instructions, as well as blogs and videos previous years, and a list of graduate students and faculty students can work with. http://www.hci.iastate.edu/REU/.
Program Contact for questions not answered on website:
Pam Shill, Program CoordinatorHuman Computer Interaction Graduate Program1620 Howe HallIowa State UniversityAmes, IA 50011Email: pshill@iastate.eduTelephone: 515-294-2089Fax: 515-294-5530
UMBC program alumni contact: Jasmine Jones , jasmin3@umbc.edu (REU2008)
(Image courtesy of O. Oluwatimi, 2008 participant.)