All Writing Center tutors are required to take ENGL 321: Internship in Tutoring Writing before being hired as a PAID tutor. This course will be offered Fall 2022, T/TH 10-11:15. Here is some more information:
English 321 is a four-credit academic course that focuses on various topics, such as academic writing, creative writing, linguistic justice as well as on the skills of tutoring writing.
One of the class requirements is working as a tutor intern, starting about a month into the semester, for three hours each week in the Writing Center. You will have a mentor, an experienced Writing Center tutor, to help guide you through this process.
Once you have satisfactorily completed 321, you will be hired by the Academic Success Center for a writing tutor position, starting with a salary of $12.50 per hour and Level 1 College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certification.
Fill out the application form here!