Get ready for Critical Social Justice: Rise with our “What You Need to Know” series, starting with this introduction to our keynote speaker, Dr. Adrienne Keene! Her lecture, titled “Native Appropriations and Indigenous Social Media” will be held on Tuesday, October 24th at 6 PM in the University Center Ballroom (event details here). Written by Women’s Center student staff member Samiksha Manjiani.
As you grow up, I promise to protect you. I promise to continue to fight as hard as I possibly can to ensure a future for you. To protect you water, your sacred land, and your sovereignty. Whatever your future gender identity or who you choose to love, I will make sure you can be who are meant to be.
— Adrienne Keene, “Dear little one on your Birthday”
Our keynote speaker for CSJ: Rise is Adrienne Keene, a Native American activist, blogger, scholar, and writer. A member of the Cherokee Nation, Keene focuses on contemporary indigenous issues, and critically analyzes how the indigenous world is represented in popular culture. She often writes about cultural appropriation in fashion, music, and stereotyping in film and other media.
Adrienne is also an accomplished assistant professor for the American Studies Department at Brown University. She teaches courses on Indigenous Education, Native representations, and Native American Studies in general. In addition to teaching, she has a deep personal commitment towards empowering Native communities and privileging Native voices and perspectives in her research. Adrienne’s research focuses on educational outcomes for Native American students.
Adrienne’s blog, Native Appropriations, has achieved national and international recognition for its authentic and critical Native voice on contemporary indigenous issues. She uses her blog to challenge stereotypes and misrepresentations of Native Peoples. Some hot topics include the Washington football team’s continued use of an ethnic slur for their team name, “hipster headdresses,” Halloween “Pocahottie” costumes, and Urban Outfitters’ appropriation of tribal art and culture.
Most recently, Adrienne has been actively raising awareness and advocating with other activists around Standing Rock, ND and the movement against the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline. As you may know, the current administration has given the final green light to continue building the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline, but the activism around this issue has not ended. In fact, it has incited more people to rise up. Check out her guest appearance on Buzzfeed podcast Another Round for more information. She is also in the process of writing new pieces about Standing Rock, so check out her Twitter @NativeApprops to stay updated!
For more about Adrienne, check out:
Her blog: Native Appropriations
Her interview with Brown University on Native Misrepresentation
Her blogpost on “Questions Natives have for White People and White Fragility:”
Her Buzzfeed video, “9 Questions Native Ameicans have for White People”
Her Buzzfeed video, “I’m Native, but I’m not”