Work Study Job Posting
Department: Women’s Center
FWS Position Title: Student Staff
Position Duties:
- All members of the Women’s Center assist with general operations (i.e. greeting visitors, providing resources, manage office calendar, answering phones)
- Each student staff member also selects a long term project(s) (i.e. film series, book club, website maintenance)
- Each staff member will also be responsible for preparing/helping out with 20th anniversary events
- This is a “front line” office position
- Staff member must be able to attend weekly staff meeting
Required Skills:
- General appreciation for and understanding of the purpose for a university women’s center.
- General appreciation of diversity/inclusive practices
- Ability to work well with others and/or independently
- Willingness to address sensitive personal and social issues independently and through interaction with others
Employment Stat Date: Fall 2011 (mid-August if possible)
Hours Per Week: 7-15
Pay Range: starts at $7.25
If interested, please call or come by: 410-455-2714. Location: Commons 004