"Medical Response to Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs)/ Terrorism" Speaker: Gregory Jasani, MD
Please join us on Wednesday March 6, 2024, from 3-5 pm for the Emergency and Disaster Health Systems Graduate Speaker Seminar Series via WebEx. The speaker's information and seminar topic can be found below. Please help us welcome this week’s speaker by attending the seminar, and please bring your questions and discussion points!
We hope to see everyone there!
All majors are welcome!
Speaker Information:
Greg Jasani, MD
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Seminar Topic:
“Medical Responses to Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs)/Terrorism”
Location: 900 Walker Ave, Room 114, or online via Webex
Meeting number:
2633 827 4060
Meeting password:
Join by phone
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Attendee access code: 36350242
Please note that the Dept of Emergency and Disaster Health Systems (EDHS) has temporarily moved (due to renovations of Sherman Hall) to the 900 Walker Building. Address is 900 Walker Ave. (building located behind the Walker Apartments, towards Wilkins Ave.) in the main EHS classroom Walker 114. Enter the front doors and follow the signs to the department area & classroom (Room 114). Link to map (see upper right corner on Walker Avenue, it is the building entitled Baltimore County Courthouse): https://mcac.umbc.edu/maps-and-directions/