Friday, May 10, 2019
10 AM
to 4:30 PM
Library and Gallery, Albin O. Kuhn
The Library Gallery presents El Sueño Americano / The American Dream, an exhibition of works by Arizona-based artist Tom Kiefer featuring 59 photographs of everyday objects carried by migrants...
12 PM
to 1:30 PM
Learn the outcomes of the current FLC participants' work!
Library and Gallery, Albin O. Kuhn : 767
To learn more about the Faculty Learning Community (FLC) program, please join this celebration where participants in the current FLCs will present the outcomes of their work. The facilitators of...
7:30 PM
to 9:30 PM
Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall
The Department of Music presents the UMBC Opera Workshop under the direction of Sammy Huh. Created to provide students the opportunity to study acting and musical performance through opera, the...
8 PM
to 10 PM
Dance Cube
The Department of Dance presents the annual Spring Dance Showcase, featuring student performances of works by faculty, students, and artists-in-residence. Tickets: $12 general admission, $7...