Talk: Shareef Ahmed "Enabling Resource Efficiency via Exact Analysis for Real-Time Systems"
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 · 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Abstract: Many real-time cyber-physical systems (CPSs) must satisfy timing constraints to ensure safe operation. Thus, these CPSs should be tested for temporal correctness before their real-world deployment. Additionally, these CPSs must operate within strict size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) constraints. To satisfy these SWaP-C requirements, the test for timing correctness should be “exact,” meaning that no system that meets timing constraints should fail the test. Unfortunately, deriving an exact test for emerging CPSs is challenging due to the complexity of artificial intelligence-enabled workloads and highly parallel hardware platforms. In this talk, I will show how simulation-based exact tests can be devised for systems with or without dataflow dependencies under common real-time scheduling policies. I will also discuss how to exactly (or ‘almost’ exactly) account for delays due to accessing mutually exclusive shared resources by resolving mysteries around optimal locking protocols. Finally, I will briefly discuss my work on parallelizable tasks that require co-scheduling of threads.
Short Speaker Bio: Shareef Ahmed is a final year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, advised by Prof. James H. Anderson. His research interests include real-time cyber-physical systems, autonomous systems, parallel and distributed systems, and theoretical computer science. His current research focuses on scheduling and synchronization algorithms for systems with various complexities present in emerging real-time CPSs. His work has been published in top real-time systems conferences, including RTSS, RTAS, and ECRTS. Three of his papers have received outstanding paper awards, and one has received a best paper award. He has been named a CPS Rising Star in 2024.