SFS cyberdefense scholarship applications due Noon Monday, April 15
The next application deadline for SFS cyberdefense scholarships at UMBC is 12:00 noon Monday, 15 April 2019, for possible scholarships beginning in the fall of 2019. See the Center for Information Security and Assurance site for details and application forms.
These major scholarships include tuition, generous stipend, and more, in return for government employment. Applicants must have at least junior status in fall 2019. BS, MS, MPS, PhD in any cyber-related field may apply (CS, CE, EE, IS, Cyber, and possibly others). SFS applicants must be citizens or lawful permanent residents capable of obtaining a secret clearance at federal, state, local, or tribal government. The annual stipends are $25,000 undergraduate and $34,000 graduate; in addition, each scholar will receive $6000 per year in professional development funds.
The scholarships are highly competitive (e.g., the median GPA of current SFS scholars at UMBC is 3.8) and favor students who have excelled in upper-level technical courses and who have demonstrated a passion and talent for cybersecurity through relevant accomplishments. We will consider applications from rising juniors and above with GPA over 3.0. All SFS scholars at UMBC are expected to engage in cohort and research activities. UMBC is in the first year of a five -year, $5 million NSF grant, which will support 34 students. For more information, see the SFS FAQ page.
Interested students should contact
Dr. Alan T. Sherman
Professor of Computer Science
Director, UMBC Center for Information Security and Assurance (CISA)
*protected email*
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