Modified REX Report : Population Term Summary
Folder : At A Glance
Some additional data has been added to the Population Term Summary report. As a reminder, this report gives aggregate data about a selected population for a term, allowing users to see demographic and academic data for the population and how it compares to UMBC overall. The population can be filtered by courses, plans, student groups, departments, etc.
The report now includes all the plans for all the students in the population. Even if you were to pick a particular plan, like Biology students, the "Plans" tab would show you all plans for anyone who has a Biology plan. This allows you to see popular combinations of plans and minors and such. The distributions are by college, reporting org, reporting plan, plan objective, STEM or not STEM, as well as how many students have multiple plans.
This report can be accessed by going to, clicking on 'Guided Reports', then navigating to the folder mentioned above.