On Wednesday, October 4th, the construction crane at the end of Walker Ave and near the AOK Library will be removed from campus. The removal is scheduled between the hours of 7 AM to 10 AM. Construction staff will direct pedestrians and vehicles around this location. There may be brief pauses in traffic to accommodate the work. The temporary fencing near the crane location will be removed and the permanent pedestrian path will be restored. The two ZipCAR spaces will be moved back to their original location on or before Thursday, October 5th.
Accessibility is part of the design process, and we work in partnership with Accessibility and Disability Services which supports faculty, staff, students and visitors with disabilities. If you have a concern about accessibility or want to inquire about a disability-based accommodation, please do so through their website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Jason Orozco (jorozco@umbc.edu).
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work to improve our campus!