On Monday, June 5th, 2017 contractors working on the ILSB building will be installing a new water line outside of the construction fence currently in place. Although the work will take place in the roadway, Commons Drive, Commons Circle and the Physics loading dock will remain open for service and delivery vehicles only. The contractor will have personnel in place to direct vehicles through the affected areas during work hours. The area will be returned to it’s current state after each work day
The work will commence on June 5th on Commons Drive, near the Physics Building loading dock entrance road and continue through June 6th. The contractors will only close half of the road each day to allow access to Commons Circle for service vehicles and deliveries.
Between June 7th and June 14th, work will move inside the construction fence. Access for service vehicles and deliveries will not be affected.
Starting on June 15th and continuing through June 26th, the work will once again move outside of the fence at the intersection of Commons Drive and Commons Circle. Access for service vehicles and deliveries will be maintained during this time but traffic patterns will be altered to accommodate excavation through the roadway.
Facilities Management thanks you for your cooperation and patience as we address these necessary upgrades.
Facilities Management