Contractors will be installing new electrical manholes near the Fine Arts, Engineering and ITE Buildings in support of our new Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building between July 5th and August 25th, 2017. The work will require temporary closure of a stairway and a portion of the sidewalk between ITE and Engineering. Accessibility routes will continue to be available through the ITE building and no building entrances or exits will be closed due to this work. Please follow posted signage directing pedestrians to accessible routes. This project is labeled as Q on our construction activity map.
Please visit our detailed construction activity map for more information about ongoing and upcoming campus projects.
As we continue to move forward with this important construction project and others across campus, we encourage you to visit the Facilities Management website and join our myUMBC group to receive news and updates and stay apprised of how construction projects across campus may impact you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.