Please be advised that there will be permanent changes to the traffic patterns in the area of Commons Garage, Physics Building and The Commons prior to the start of the Fall 2017 semester. The Commons Circle is being replaced with a new drop-off circle between the Physics Building and Commons Garage. The new circle will provide a drop-off area for The Commons, Physics and other adjacent buildings. Personal vehicles will no longer be allowed to enter the Commons Circle as this area is now limited to service vehicles and deliveries. A new entrance to Lot 2 has also been constructed off of the new drop-off circle.
Vehicles traveling on Commons Drive wishing to use the new circle or park in Lot 2 should take a right on Park Road and an immediate left into the circle. Access to the Commons Garage remains unchanged as vehicles may continue to use both existing entrances. Please refer to the diagram below for additional information. Additional temporary signs will be provided in this area in an effort to help navigate the new traffic patterns.
The contractor will be finalizing the work at the new drop-off circle during the fall semester. UMBC Facilities Management will inform the UMBC community of any temporary vehicular or pedestrian traffic changes or closures.
Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain and enhance the UMBC campus.