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Resources and webinars to help pay for your Grad education.
Pathways to Science has a variety of resources and webinars available to help students find funding for their graduate education. They have resources for: Fellowships for Masters' students...
October 2, 2020
3:55 PM
Events for Graduate Students
SEPTEMBER 2010 -Preparing for Ph.D. Candidacy: Rules, Regulations, and Forms Friday, 9/17/10, 12 noon – 1 PM, Commons 331 -Success Seminar (Funding/Fellowships) Wednesday,...
September 13, 2010
11:46 PM
Don't miss the mark because you didn't fill out the forms
Dr. Lisa Portis Morgan, Director of Progressions for the UMBC Graduate School, will present "Preparing for Ph.D. Candidacy" on Friday, September 17, 2010, 12 noon - 1:00 PM, in Commons 331. All...
September 13, 2010
10:00 PM