Reposted from the International Student and Scholar Services page.
We are looking for a small cohort of students to participate in UMBC’s Intercultural Engagement Prep program in Spring 2025. This program is designed to grow your intercultural competency and skills.
This program is open to:
International students
Future or returned study abroad students
Students interested in applying to the Peace Corps after graduation
Students who have an interest in preparing for other international or intercultural experiences
Students who want to prepare themselves as global citizens in a multicultural world
As a participant in the Intercultural Engagement Prep pilot program, you will:
Meet other globally-minded students at UMBC;
Develop your critical analytical skills;
Increase your cultural self-awareness and critically reflect on your own unconscious bias;
Develop strategies to improve your intercultural communication and how you’ll apply it in your future career;
Recognize cultural differences, commonalities, perceptions, power and privilege dynamics, and how they can lead to conflict; and
Understand the importance of intercultural dialogue and intercultural citizenship competencies for fostering social justice.
This non-credit/no-fee course, PRAC 103 (course # 6928), will meet twice in the Spring 2025 semester at a mutually agreeable time, but the majority of the course is accessed through asynchronous learning. Students will be required to attend two globally themed events or activities and will also have independent assignments to complete in Blackboard. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will earn two digital badgestitled Increasing Cultural Self-Awareness and Reinforcing Intercultural Dialogue.
You can register for the course under PRAC 103 and course number 6928.
For questions regarding this certification please contact Dr. Irina Golubeva at