The Department of Human Resources recently announced a pilot testing phase for the implementation of Faculty requisitions in PageUp. Changes to the Offer Card will be made to accommodate the additional fields needed for the faculty implementation.
What is changing?
1. Both staff and faculty hires will share the Offer Card in the PageUp system. The Offer Card will be divided into sections with some information for all positions, a section for staff positions and a section for faculty positions.
2. Additional approval processes will be added. Please carefully read the name of the approval process to be sure you have selected the correct one.
3. The Offer letter section, previously used by HR staff only, may now be used to upload the candidate’s justification memo and other hiring documents. If you prefer, you may continue to upload the justification memo on the applicant card for staff hires. Either method is acceptable.
When will the change happen?
The change in the Offer Card is expected to be complete by next week.
Are there instructions for the changes?
Attached is a document showing the changes to the Offer Card. Please note that additional minor adjustments to the Offer Card may be made as the pilot testing for the faculty implementation continues.