Dear ISSAers, ISCOMers, and undergraduate students at UMBC,
We would like to thank all who came out and participated in Federal Agencies and Contractors week.
We loved having the opportunity to serve you with not only Papa Johns pizza, but also with bringing ISSA's fantastic VP of membership to campus.
The ISSA executive board hopes you all were able to learn and get a feel of what the cyber security lifestyle is like, especially within our government.
For reference:
You can access the handouts Mr. Chan referenced at this cloud link:
We have attached the presentation PDF onto this posting and uploaded it to the cloud link.
If you would like to reach out to Mr. Chan, keep his time preferences in mind.
Special thanks to Mr. Steve Chan for giving a wonderful cyber security keynote and to ISCOM for slotting us a spot in their federal agencies and contractors week.
~Your ISSA executive board