Baltimore and Freddie Gray: Community Safe Spaces
New Safe Spaces TODAY at 12pm and 4pm
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 · 12 - 1 PM
On Campus : Mosaic Center
In light of the unrest following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore last night, Student Life's Mosaic Center and the Women's Center are offering two safe spaces TODAY. They will take place as follows:
12-1pm in the Student Life's Mosaic Center
4-4:50pm in the Women's Center
Another safe space will be offered on Thursday, April 30th at 4pm in Student Life's Mosaic Center. Additional dates and times for other safe spaces will continue to be announced as needed.
We ask and encourage the voices and experiences of Black lives to be centered in these conversations.
Like we did in the fall semester for Ferguson, the Women’s Center and Student Life’s Mosaic Center are hosting several designated safe space sessions to talk about the recent events happening in Baltimore related to the death of Freddie Gray. These safe spaces are not intended to be open discussions or debates. Rather, these opportunities are meant to provide intentional healing and supportive space for UMBC community members to process and share their thoughts, emotions, and reactions as related to racism, institutionalized violence, and anti-Blackness.