Exhibits: EVIDENCE and Quilts and Stories of Baltimore
Creative Alliance and BRJA
Saturday, May 2, 2015 · 6 - 8 PM
Off Campus
Evidence: Identity Through Fiber Art
(On view: May 2 - Jun 6 / Hours: Tue-Sat 11am - 7pm)
Featuring: Dr. Joan Gaither, Olivia Robinson, and John Sims
Reception: May 2, 6-8pm
Artist Talk: May 2, 5-6pm
"Evidence" examines how 3 different artists explore the creation of identity through fiber-oriented art. This exhibition features conceptual math artist John Sims, story quilter Dr. Joan Gaither, and fiber/technology artist Olivia Robinson. Each approcahes the subject matter at hand in a completely different way. A gallery talk will preceed the opening from 5-6pm on May 2nd. The public is warmly invited to attend. All events are free.
Location: Creative Alliance at the Patterson | 3134 Eastern Ave., Baltimore
Quilts and Stories of Baltimore
The Baltimore Racial Justice Action will host a related event, called Quilts and Stories of Baltimore. Join BRJA for a lively conversation between long-time Baltimore residents Dr. Joan Gaither and George Ciscle as they talk about quilt-making, how race and racism intersect with the artistic communities in Baltimore, and how the Baltimore art communities have changed over the last many decades. Diane Kuthy, LLC Doctoral student, is part of the organizing team of this event.
Date: May 13, 2015
Location: American Brewery | 1701 N Gay St, Baltimore, MD 21213
Quilts and Stories of Baltimore is part of BRJA's ongoing 13th of the Month events.