Hometown: Ellicott City, MD
Q: How long have you been at UMBC?
A: Only 2 years as a student, but have been around here for at least a decade
Q: What is your current title (job or student organization position)?
A: New Student Liaison, INDSCOM
Q: In 12 words or less, what role(s) do you play on campus?
A: Helping others be who they are, enjoy life, and be happy
Q: What aspect of your UMBC role(s) do you enjoy most?
A: Being able to have a chat with anyone about anything, literally. By developing relationships with faculty, staff, and students, I am able to take advantage of the many incredible resources that exist at UMBC.
Q: What is the most important or memorable thing you learned in college/have learned at UMBC?
A: How to integrate one department with another to create unique perspectives and solutions to problems.
Q: Complete this sentence: "I am a big fan of __________"
A: Sarcasm, Straight Up Tribal, peacebuilding, the UMBC Symphony Orchestra, outdoorsy goodness, the INDS Department, and stepping out of your comfort zone.
Q: Do you have any UMBC stories, little-known facts about UMBC, favorite spots on campus, or anything else you’d like to share?
A: A wise man once said: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."