Please register for this virtual event and plan to attend to share your feedback.
We invite the campus community to share feedback on UMBC’s draft Self-Study, a collaborative process of self-reflection aimed at reaffirming our commitment to continuous improvement. This effort meets MSCHE’s Standards of Accreditation and enhances our understanding of UMBC’s mission, goals, challenges, and opportunities. Our Self-Study promotes diverse reflection and dialogue to shape a thoughtful, forward-thinking vision for UMBC’s future. We are tasked with providing evidence of UMBC’s continuous improvement from 2016 to 2024.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts so that important initiatives and accomplishments are highlighted.
Co-Chairs, Self Study Committee
Manfred H. M. van Dulmen
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Connie Pierson
Associate Vice Provost, IRADS & Middle States Accreditation Liaison Officer
Orianne Smith
Associate Professor, English