High School Visitations: Need Volunteers!
In Math&Stat we are setting up a variety of outreach activities in fall and spring. We have faculty volunteers, but we need student volunteers as well! Both Math and Stat majors are...
exciting opportunities at the NSA for math majors!
The National Security Agency (NSA) is advertising three exciting Summer opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in mathematics, statistics, and physics! Applications for...
The deadline for 2024 submissions is approaching
This is just a reminder to get your applications in (if you haven't already). You can find the application materials and instructions in this my.umbc group. Please spread the good news of PME...
Hey! For anyone who recently joined PME or is yet part of our discord server, feel free to join here:
Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Executive Council Members Council members: President: Ephraim Ruttenberg ( VP: Chris Bispels ( Emeritus VP: Jamie Cooper (
Hi Everyone, My name is Justin Webster, and I'm an assistant professor in the mathematics and statistics department at UMBC. I've been tasked with the job of overseeing Pi Mu Epsilon (PME),...