Hello Psi Chi!
Well, that was a lot. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the election nominations, post-GBM info, or upcoming events.
Happy Thursday!
Here are some new updates happening for this upcoming week!
Our second event, Psi Chi virtual breakout room, is happening on April 30, 2021 at 6 pm. More info and the meeting link will be sent out closer to the date, so keep your eyes peeled! We really hope that this will be a fun and engaging time for you all.
Candidate Nomination and Statements
It is that time of the semester! Today is the day we are starting elections for our new officers for Fall 2021!
If you are interested in running for a position, please fill out the linked Google form by Thursday, April 29!
Google form: https://forms.gle/weMGaoxUPXmSaVVb9In this Google Form, we are collecting name, position of interest, and statements for those of you wanting to run for officer positions. As a reminder, any member can run and no prior experience is needed-- we will show you the ropes!
Attached is a Word Doc listing all the available officer positions and their responsibilities.
Psi Chi Spring 2021 Election Timeline:
- From 4/22 - 4/29: a Google form will be sent out through myUMBC/email asking members to nominate themselves as candidates and provide their statements for the elections
- From 4/29 - 5/8: The ballot (Google Form) for the election will be sent out through myUMBC/email for everyone to vote
- New officers will be notified of their positions the week of 5/9
Post-GBM #6
For those of you who were not at our 6th GBM, I have attached the powerpoint that Katie Streett, our guest presenter that day, sent me. She is an equine specialist who works at Maryland Therapeutic riding. Here are her emails and websites where you can contact her or check out what she does!
Emails: katie@mtrinc.org or katiestreett@tentencounseling.com
Websites: www.horsesthatheal.org or www.tentencounseling.com
Caroline Jiang
Psi Chi