Welcome new members! Here is a link to our Discord server where we give updates about events and talk with each other. This is where we communicate the most so I highly recommend joining. Do...
February 7, 2024
11:52 AM
Hey guys we now have a new discord server! It should hopefully function better than the old one feel free to jump in!
February 13, 2023
8:22 PM
Russian Club Cultural Event Series
Big announcement everyone! Starting on November 4, Friday, 4:00, in Fine Arts 459, we will begin to watch a five-part drama series about Chernobyl for the next five Fridays. This will be a great...
October 25, 2022
4:27 PM
Discord Server/Collaboration
Hi all, here is the link for our Russian club's Discord server, for social chatting and organizing events
October 18, 2022
9:08 AM
Resurrecting the Romanovs
Resurrecting the Romanovs: 105th Anniversary of the Fall of the Czars in Russia On March 15, 1917, Czar Nicholas II Romanov, in a time of brutal war, social instability, and economic chaos,...
March 7, 2022
4:30 PM
Hi Everyone! Here is the recording for the event, for all if you who wanted to attend but were unable to do so:...
November 11, 2021
4:11 PM
Life in the Soviet Union
Hi Everyone! This is just a quick reminder that we will be hosting our panel discussion today at five Fine Arts 459 Or
November 9, 2021
3:53 PM
Soviet Panel
Hi Everyone! On Tuesday, November 9th, at 5:00, will be hosting a panel discussion about life in the Soviet Union, especially during the period of Gorbachev's reforms, with representatives from...
October 27, 2021
5:39 PM
Hey y'all! Whether you've already signed up but it's just been a hot minute, or whether you need that last push to sign up, this is your reminder: the Russian Club is hosting its second Working...
October 5, 2021
11:39 AM
Apply to be an officer today!
Election season is here! Join Russian Club as an officer to gain invaluable experience, organize and promote amazing events, and bring the culture and soul of Russia to UMBC! All...
May 2, 2020
9:38 AM