Hello, fellow Retrievers,
We hope that you have enjoyed the semester thus far.
Mandatory student fees are projected to go up 3-5% across all fees starting in SY24. These increases will be compounded with a 2-5% increase in student tuition.
Recently, the UMBC SGA created the Student Fee Committee. For context, along with it being composed of 4 members--the SGA President, 1 SGA Senator, 1 SGA Finance Board Representative, and 1 SGA Executive Cabinet Official, this committee has the ultimate goal of advertising the relevance and significance of, and galvanizing you to attend, the annual Student Fee Forum on Friday, 3/4, at 2 p.m. Right now, it has not been decided if this forum will occur virtually or in person; if it is scheduled to be in-person, information detailing its location will be given, and if it is scheduled to be virtual, a digital link will be given. PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE. It is more important than ever to be active participants in student fee conversations.
The Student Fee Forum provides you with the opportunity to express your support or opposition to proposed fee increases and offers the chance to ask questions about these proposals. See this message not as a recommendation that you attend but as a plea to attend.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. And as we receive information, we will share it with you.
Best regards,
Joshua Gray, SGA President
Nick Grempler, SGA Senator
Fiona Tolentino, Vice Chair of Finance Board
Sean Avryl Villaver, SGA Director of Communications