Please reply to this post with notes of the names you like (from the list below) or add additional suggestions.
The deadline for your comments of favorites will be one week from today, April 12, 2021.
Good afternoon, Sites@UMBC users!
With the next version of Sites well underway in development and scheduled for release in late May / early June, we need to nail down a name.
Below, please find the list of suggested names in alphabetical order from our 2020 Sites survey. From your comments below, we will generate an official voting poll to send out to the community.
Bryan & Sites Team
Bryan & Sites Team
- Bark
- BARK (Barking app for retriever kennels)
- BarkWeb
- Chessie
- debutGrit
- eCentral
- eCore
- Fetch
- GoFetch
- GritHost
- GritWeb
- Insite
- mySites
- MyWebsites
- ourUMBC (Online User Repository)
- PawPrints
- Rawhide (Retriever app for webmasters housing internet documents)
- Retriever Net
- Retriever Network
- RetrieverHost
- RetrieverHub
- RetrieverWeb
- RetriverBYTES
- UMBeSeen!
- Waggers (Web app generating grit and excellence for retriever sites)
- WAGGERS (Website Administration Generating Grit and Excellent Reading Sources)
- WAGS (Website administration generating substance)
- WAGS (Website administration with Grit and Substance)
- WebCentral
- WebCore
- WebCraft
- Webdog
- WebHub
- Webpages
- WESTERn (WEb Site Template Empowered Resources)
- Wheelhouse