The Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Health Administration and Policy will be offering five online courses this winter.
The Winter 2020 schedule is currently live and you can begin to register for courses on Monday, October 21st.
Session Dates: January 2 -24th
SOCY 101-01 –Basic Concepts in Sociology (SS) –Cozart–Online
SOCY 201-01 –Social Problems in American Society (SS) –Knisley –Online
SOCY 353-01/GWST 353-01 –Marriage and the Family (SS)–Cozart–Online
SOCY 355-01/GWST 355-01 –Sociology of Gender (SS) –Salisbury –Online
SOCY 374-01 –Drugs and Alcohol in Society –Hemmis –Online