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Checkout our monthly newsletter!
Make sure you check out our newsletter below with our events this month, International Education Week, as well as our BRAND NEW "Dylan's Corner" Have any questions about any of the events?...
November 3, 2017
11:48 AM
Empowering Others.
When I was asked what “I Rise For” the first thing I thought of is empowering others. Empowerment has many meanings for me because it can be used with entire populations but also everyday...
October 25, 2017
3:32 PM
Those Who Are Too Scared to Speak Out
Idania Ramos Mosaic Ambassador I Rise for Those Who Are Too Scared to Speak Out I’ve always known that I was different, my color, my culture, and my language didn’t follow the “American...
October 24, 2017
12:03 PM
We want to hear from you. Comment and let us know!
(Adapted from UMBC Women's Center Wordpress site.) Over the past year, acts of resistance and resilience have electrified our country and world. Immediate images that flash through our minds...
October 23, 2017
12:56 PM