Tuesday, July 16, 2019
9 AM
to 4 PM
Need help saving money and planning for your future?
Administration : 5th Floor
One-on-one consultations with MSRP's Nationwide Representative, Savannah Rath, can be made by appointment only online at umbc.myretirementappt.com You can make an appointment for a financial...
10 AM
to 11 AM
Training for New Cardholders and their P-Card Supervisors
Administration : 729
This one hour training is required by the Purchasing Card Program Policy for new cardholders and their supervisors who have not previously taken this training. Training will cover the Policies...
3 PM
to 4 PM
Women can face unique financial challenges. You can discover tailored approaches to saving for retirement and tips to make your money work hard. Register now to gain more financial knowledge...