Rex Finance Drop-In Session
Rex Finance Friday
Are you interested in learning about the best REX reports to manage your department’s finances?
Would like to know more about performing a more in-depth analysis using REX Finance reports?
Jared Fincke, Financial Services' Data Analyst for REX, will host a virtual drop-in Webex Session on Friday, November 13th from 2:00 to 4:00.
The topics will be driven by the questions posed in the drop-in session from new or veteran REX users.
Employees can pop-in and ask questions on utilizing REX Finance to help manage and perform analysis on their unit’s finances. Visit the Webex link anytime between 2:00 and 4:00 for as long as needed.
Additionally, this session will provide an opportunity to give feedback on available financial reports or suggest ideas for new REX Finance reports.