Thursday, October 14, 2021
10 AM
to 12 PM
LAST DAY TO RSVP 10.11 - Virtual Coffee Chats
This event is being hosted by a UMBC Career Center Partner and has been organized exclusively for UMBC students. Their partnership status shows their dedication and commitment to recruiting UMBC...
1 PM
to 3 PM
LAST DAY TO RSVP 10.11.21 - Virtual Coffee Chats
This event is being hosted by a UMBC Career Center Partner and has been organized exclusively for UMBC students. Their partnership status shows their dedication and commitment to recruiting UMBC...
4:45 PM
to 6:45 PM
Open to All Students
The Commons : Skylight
Is Grad School on the Horizon? If you are thinking about pursuing graduate education or professional school, now it is time to start narrowing down the possibilities. Grad School 101: Navigating...