Practical Data Science Demo
Monday, April 27, 2020 · 1 - 2 PM
We want to welcome you to join us for a practical data science demo: a live session with instructor Michael Cullan introducing the how and the why of presenting results in data science.
We’ll cover some common tools and techniques for sharing interactive reports and conducting reproducible research.
Michael will show you how to create a report in a Jupyter notebook, set up a Github repository with a few requirements, and use that repository to distribute interactive versions of that notebook using Binder.
If you would like to follow along on your own machine, there are a few steps to take care of. If you don’t already have a Github account, make sure you create one before the session begins. You should also ensure you have a Python distribution with conda and Jupyter and that you’ve installed Github’s command line tool.
In this live, 30 minute webinar, Michael will show you the steps to:
• Clean up an exploratory Jupyter notebook into a presentable report
• Set up a Github repository to share notebooks and software requirements
• Create a new git branch to update a notebook without modifying the master copy
• Distribute a report in an interactive form using Binder
Register now at:
“This is an external event not affiliated with the Career Center nor UMBC.”