Career Paths for Graduate Students
Connect with Employers and Explore Your Options
This session will expand your thinking about employment options in various industries and possible career paths available to UMBC graduate students. Network with employers interested in master's degree and Ph.D. level talent during speed-networking style virtual breakout sessions. This event is a collaboration between the Career Center and PROMISE AGEP
Participating organizations have job openings for graduate students in various industries, such as Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields.
List of registered employers can be found at:
We recommend that you post your CV or resume to UMBCworks in advance so that employers can access your resume via a searchable resume book.
This event is free of charge.
Please note: Requests for special accommodations (hearing/visual impairment, etc.) require prior notification of a minimum of four business days.
Continue your career exploration and conversations on Retrievers Connect - the new networking platform just for UMBC students and alumni.