Computing, Engineering, Business & Data Analytics
Virtual Recruitment Event
A full list of attending employers and the registration form can be found HERE
UMBC will be hosting the annual Career Month during April 2021. Our theme for this year's programming is "Be Open to the Possibilities - Opportunities may exist in unexpected places!" Events held during Career Month 2021 are meant to encourage you to “think outside of the box” and be flexible when considering career options.
This event will offer you an excellent opportunity to speak with representatives from organizations that provide career opportunities to UMBC students.
Registration is required: You will login to UMBCworks and click on the Computing, Engineering, Business & Data Analytics Virtual Recruitment Event Banner to share that you plan to attend. Complete your profile and simply upload your resume. Also, double check your graduation year and uploaded photo (ideal but optional) in your Account section of UMBCworks, as employers will see this information when they are chatting with you.
We will be using the Symplicity platform to host these virtual events. This platform offers you the opportunity to attend group sessions as well as have one-on-one interactions.
Continue your career exploration and conversations on Retrievers Connect - the new networking platform just for UMBC students and alumni.