Tuesday, May 12, 2020
All Day
Last Day of Classes for Spring 2020 ·
On Campus
11 AM
to 12 PM
Thought as Thought
Join us to learn evidence-based skills to reduce distress and build resiliency. You've Got This Workshop is based on mindfulness and scheduled for four topics. Topic 1: Mindfulness and stress...
12 PM
to 12:30 PM
LET'S MEDITATE @UMBC, a free drop-in series of 30-minute guided meditations, is based on the LET'S MEDITATE program, which was first offered at Cornell University in 2014.These sessions are...
2 PM
to 3 PM
Thriving during life transitions
Join a support space for discussion and reflection on the issues related to graduate students during COVID-19, hosted by the Counseling Center. Four scheduled webinars will focus on topics of...
4:30 PM
to 5 PM
LET'S MEDITATE @UMBC, a free drop-in series of 30-minute guided meditations, is based on the LET'S MEDITATE program, which was first offered at Cornell University in 2014.These sessions are...