Full Title: Work in progress for the Craft Fair that will be happening on... Work in progress for the Craft Fair that will be happening on Wednesday, April 6th during Art Week 2011! There will...
January 14, 2011
1:35 PM
Full Title: thedailywhat:
Early Bird Special: I’m gonna make it better, and... [Video] thedailywhat:
Early Bird Special: I’m gonna make it better, and so are you.
January 14, 2011
10:03 AM
First of all, let me say ‘Thank You!’ for the compliment. We strive to design and produce the best marketing for all students and departments. We believe that any student (employee or otherwise)...
January 10, 2011
4:27 PM
40 Ultimately Creative Offices: Your environment effects how you complete your job and cubicles are definitely not conducive to creative working! These offices allow an open layout that...
January 4, 2011
4:05 PM
Full Title: Did you guys know that it was Mini Art Week? Well, now you do!... Did you guys know that it was Mini Art Week? Well, now you do! It’s a new week long event promoting the arts and Art...
December 8, 2010
10:37 AM
All You Will Ever Need to Know About the Apostrophe: Learn about the correct way to use the apostrophe, including in design! It’s an interesting read with lots of helpful visuals, not to mention...
November 29, 2010
12:01 PM
HOWTO: choose a typeface: So, we’ve all been there - it’s time to choose a typeface and we either search for something that’s really strange and unique online that maybe somehow relates to the...
November 28, 2010
12:00 PM
Dowling Duncan US Bank Note Designs: Interesting redesign of money. Click through to read about why designs selected were selected, why they have a vertical orientation, and lots more. What...
November 27, 2010
12:02 PM
The Book Thing of Baltimore, Inc.: Hopefully you’ve checked out the Baltimore Book Thing before, but if you haven’t, you really should! Basically, it’s a huge space where you can both donate...
November 26, 2010
12:00 PM
Full Title: Typographeee. Design and typography for dummies, but in a good... Typographeee. Design and typography for dummies, but in a good way. From their website: is the...
November 25, 2010
12:01 PM