4×4 Sneak Peak: Gary Kachadourian « PRINTERESTING: If you guys aren’t aware of UMBC’s IMDA program (the visual arts department’s MFA program), then you should be! It’s chock full of great...
November 17, 2010
3:52 PM (All things printmaking): From their website: Since 2008, the thinking person’s favorite online resource for interesting printmaking miscellany. From “fine art” prints and...
November 17, 2010
3:37 PM
Full Title: Design*Sponge's first 10 finalists in their 'Design Your Own Alphabet' contest.Design*Sponge's first 10 finalists in their 'Design Your Own Alphabet' contest.: What do you guys...
November 15, 2010
3:57 PM
[Video] It’s great to see another artist’s view of screen printing. We’ve been doing screen printing demos for about 2 years now (here and here are some videos), and it’s a very large scale...
November 11, 2010
3:41 PM
Fundamentals: Combining Type With Helvetica: Check out this article! It’s definitely useful for all of the designers out there or for those who are searching to achieve a certain feel for...
September 21, 2010
11:48 AM
Full Title: The Art of Momentum: Why Your Ideas Need Speed This... The Art of Momentum: Why Your Ideas Need Speed This article gives you tips on how to take an idea by the...
September 12, 2010
6:49 PM
Full Title: LEAVE YOUR MARK 2010! Now on display at Convocation and then it... LEAVE YOUR MARK 2010! Now on display at Convocation and then it will be hanging out on The Commons Mainstreet...
August 30, 2010
3:29 PM
Full Title:
Preparing for Leave Your Mark this Sunday! It is going to be...
Preparing for Leave Your Mark this Sunday! It is going to be the most interesting, fun, creative one yet!
August 27, 2010
1:38 PM
Full Title: New SEB staff shirt design also to be used on a tablecloth and... New SEB staff shirt design also to be used on a tablecloth and staff passes. Artwork montage includes work by...
August 20, 2010
2:38 PM
Full Title:
Ivan and I working on the Flat Tuesdays logo in Flat Tuesdays.
Ivan and I working on the Flat Tuesdays logo in Flat Tuesdays.
August 18, 2010
11:24 AM