Please join us at LLC's 2021 Inaugural Cedric Herring Symposium, "Critical Conversations: An Intersectional Perspective to Ignite Social Change." This event will be held on Wednesday, March 24th, from 4-5:30pm EST and will be live streamed.
Please add this WebEx link to your calendar!
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Patricia Hill Collins, Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park, and author of numerous books, most popular, Black Feminist Thought, will be the symposium's guest speaker.
This virtual event will be emceed by Shenita Denson (LLC Cohort 22) and LLC's Dr. Ramon Goings will moderate the dynamic panel of LLC students and alumnae who will be engaging Dr. Hill Collins in a conversation about intersectionality's ability to frame social inequality in ways that could facilitate social change. Time permitting, we will be taking questions from the audience, as well. Check out the attached flyer for more information.
This event honors the legacy of the late Dr. Cedric Herring, former director and professor of the LLC Program, internationally renowned social science researcher, and advocate for diversity, inclusion, and mentorship. Please visit our website for more information about Dr. Herring and our event.
Our symposium is free and open to the public. We encourage you to share this email, the WebEx link, and the flyer with others!