UMBC CSEE Welcome Event
Friday, October 2, 2020 · 12 - 2 PM
It is that time in the semester when UMBC's student branches
of The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electronics
and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) host the annual CSEE Welcome Event. The event
will be held on Friday October 2, 2020 from 12-2 pm and YOU are invited! Unfortunately,
we cannot hold this event in the traditional way, but do not fear you will
still be able to gather with your fellow peers and faculty members. We
will be hosting the event on a Discord server that was created specifically for
this event, the link to the server is
There will be multiple chat rooms covering a variety of computer science, computer
engineering, and many other technical topics. Some faculty members will even be
giving presentations on their research and areas of study. So, come join a chat
room relating to your favorite topics and start communicating with your fellow students
and faculty who share the same interests. This event is a great way for you to
network, meet new people with shared interests, get to know your professors and
instructors better, and possibly even land a research position! We hope to see
you there!