Monday, October 7, 2019
All Day
Clothesline Project T-Shirt Making ·
The Commons : The Women's Center
10 AM
to 2 PM
Your Chance to Get the Inside Scoop on Careers at TRP!
Mathematics/Psychology : 201
Your chance to chat for a few minutes with a T. Rowe Price representative about the different intern and full-time roles at T. Rowe Price! Sign up for 30-minute chat to get the inside...
12 PM
to 1 PM
What is LinkedIn & how can using it benefit your job search?
The Commons : 331
Come learn the Keys to Your Success. What is LinkedIn all about and how can using it benefit your job search? Come to this lunch-time session to learn invaluable career management techniques...
4 PM
to 5 PM
For People Who Experience Womanhood in the LGBTQ+ Community
The Commons : Women's Center
Between Women is a discussion-based program that centers the experience of women and femme students who identify themselves on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. This group meets every other week in the...